Empowering change through personal insight
Lived Experience in mental health refers to someone who has their own personal experience of living with mental health challenges. The term also extends to family members or loved ones who support those with live with these difficulties. This expertise is invaluable, shaping mental health design, development, and delivery internationally. At Kyrie Farm, we deeply honor and integrate Lived Experience into every facet of our endeavors, recognizing its pivotal role in advancing mental health care.
General High-Level Involvement
Kyrie Farm upholds the principle of engaging Lived Experience throughout its entirety, from board-level decision-making to the execution of every project aspect.
Design Involvement
Co-production is integral to our project. Throughout the design process a collaborative approach including people with lived experience had been integral.
Forward-Looking Peer Support
Kyrie Farm is embracing the transformative power of peer support and all of its benefits. We are dedicated to fostering both informal and formal peer support connections, ensuring ongoing support for individuals navigating their journeys.
Connections and Recognition
Our commitment to Lived Experience is echoed in national and international policies. The World Health Organisation, The United Nations and the Irish governments mental health policy "Sharing The Vision" places individuals with Lived Experience at the heart of mental health service development. Kyrie Farm philosophy aspires to be bring to life these policies.
Kyrie Farm is committed to expanding our Lived Experience working group, ensuring diverse perspectives shape our future endeavors. This inclusive approach will enable us to continually evolve and meet the evolving needs of our community.
Join us on this essential journey of transformation.
Kyrie Therapeutic Farm CLG
Charity Registration No. CHY22704. Charities Regulatory Authority No. 20206028.
Company Registration No. 673192